Beder International UniversityISSUE DATE: 10/2/14
Academic Staff PolicyEFFECTIVE DATE  :  1/3/2014
DOCUMENT NO.  :  BIU/8//14    PAGE  :  1/22


Article (1) Short Title and Issuing Authority

  1. This Legislation may be cited as “Academic Staff Policy 2014.”
  2. This legislation is issued by the Senate of Beder International University pursuant to the powers vested in it under Article 16 of the charter

Article (2) Definition, Interpretation

  1. Definition

In this Legislation, unless the context requires otherwise:

“Faculty Academic board ” shall mean the academic board of each faculty established under this Legislation;

“Academic Community” shall mean all students and academic staff of the University;

“Academic staff”’ shall mean all teaching and research staff of the University, shall include research fellows, professional librarians, faculty deans, heads and coordinators of department, institutes, units and any other staff designated as such by the board of the university

“Administrative Staff” shall mean all employees of the University other than members of the academic staff.

“Board” shall mean the Board of the University established under Article   (8) of the charter

“Department” shall mean a unit of a faculty or an institute that offers courses and/or conducts research;

“Faculty” shall mean an academic unit of the University which may constitute departments and other units that offer courses of study and conduct research in which a degree or a diploma may be obtained, and this reference shall also apply to colleges and schools;

“Institute” shall mean an academic unit of the University with a principal objective of carrying out research and publishing the results thereof, and which also engages in teaching and may offer degrees diplomas or certificates;

“President” shall mean the President of the University

“Senate” shall mean the Senate of the University established under Article 15 of the charter

“Staff” shall mean the academic and/or administrative staff of the university.

“University” shall mean Beder International University

“University Community” shall mean the academic Community and administrative staff of the University.

“Instructor” shall mean any teaching staff of the university

  • Interpretation of this Legislation
  1. The Legislation shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of this Legislation in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.
    1. The senate shall have a final say concerning the interpretation of disputed provisions of the legislation

 These Rules shall apply to teaching staff of the University


The implementation of these rules is depending on approval of the University President.

Article (3) Obligations of Beder International University

  1. The University shall strive to create a conductive environment that nurtures excellence and assists the staff in the endeavor to develop itself and discharge its responsibility with efficiency
  2. The University shall also clearly define what is required of its academic staff in the areas of teaching, research and services.
  3. The University shall develop policies with respect to salary scales, academic ranks and promotion which enable members of the academic staff to enjoy a standard of living compatible with the responsibility, dignity and competence which the University might demand from them.
  4. The University is also duty bound to work out rules and regulations governing the academic rights, freedoms and responsibilities of its staff.
  5. Provide materials, tools and facilities for the instructor to perform his/her duties;
  6. Pay the instructor’s salary and other benefits as encoded  in this policy and in the employment contracts
  7. Respect the instructors’ human dignity
  8. Take all necessary occupational safety and the standards and  directives given by the appropriate authorities in respect of these measures;
  9. Refrain from inflicting any illegal penalty on an instructor;
  10. Provide text books and course outline for each course
  11. Upon termination of employment contract or with request of the instructor provide a certificate to the employee; such certificate may include the type of work, the length of time in the employment of BIU and wages earned.
  • Maintain instructor’s personal file which includes the following details:
  • Instructor’s name and address and application letter of employment;
  • Copies of educational credentials;
  • Medical fitness for employment;
  • Other pre-employment formalities which are documented
  • Record of all instructor’s absenteeism
  • All relevant letters and documents copied to an instructor’s personal file;

Article (4) Status of this Legislation in the University Contracts

This Legislation shall form an integral part of the employment contracts for all University academic staff unless it or a part thereof is expressly waived by the university.

Article (5) Academic Freedom

  1. All members of the academic community have the right to fulfill their functions of teaching, doing research, writing, learning, exchanging and disseminating information, and providing services without fear of interference or repression 
  2. All members of the academic community with teaching functions have the right to freely teach without any interference, subject to the generally accepted principles, standards, and methods of teaching;  
  3. All members of the academic community with research functions have the right to carry out research without interference, subject to the Islamic principles and methods of scientific enquiry. In particular, researchers shall not be denied information or permission to do, or hindered in any way from doing, research on any ground except for reasons of public health, morality and Islamic principles, or, in circumstances of clear, present, and imminent danger to the nation and its independence;
  4. All members of the academic community shall have freedom of association, including the right to form and to join independent and autonomous trade unions. The right of association includes the right of peaceful assembly and formation of groups, clubs, associations, and such other bodies to further the academic and professional interests of the members of the academic community;
  5. All members of the academic community shall have the right to write, print, and publish their own newspapers or any other form of media, including wall literature, posters, and pamphlets. The exercise of this right shall have due regard to Islamic principles and the obligation of the members of the academic community not to interfere with the rights of others to privacy

Article (6) Roles, Duties and Responsibilities of Academic Staff

  1. An academic staff of type University is required to be a: scholar with full devotion to the advancement of the frontiers of knowledge in accordance with the best traditions developed by great scholarly circles. It shall be his primary duty to carry out his functions in the best interest of the University and that of the Nation having due regard to the rules of his profession;
  2. The academic staff of the University shall endeavor to attain the requisite level of competence and expertise in their respective discipline and to maintain and improve such competence and expertise by keeping abreast with new developments and changes in their respective fields of studies.
  3. Without limitation to the generality of the provisions of sub-Article (a) and (b) of this Article, a member of the academic staff shall undertake to:
  4. Give course lectures and other forms of instruction, to students related to the contents of the course in line with the policies and general guidelines set forth by his department and/or faculty;
  5. Arrive on time to each of the all sessions that he teaches in every week and he shall be well prepared.
  6. Conduct classes regularly and inform his immediate supervisor and students in advance in the event he is not available for teaching on justifiable grounds and give make-up classes afterwards
  7. Mark and returns homework quickly and work to the best of his ability to give effective classes
  8. Submit marked examination papers and grades on time to his faculty dean and marks student’s mid-term and final exams seriously and honestly
  9. Monitor the attendance of the students seriously and makes monthly report to the dean
  10. Give students course outline and the required text book material and cover the required chapters as mentioned in the course outline
  11. Cover the lectures period and make himself available for consultation and student advisement
  12. Encourage, guide and permit students to freely and rationally question and examine issue and various lines of thoughts in the course of their study
  13. Endeavor to stay abreast of the latest thinking in his area of specialization and shall periodically update his teaching material, within the resources available
  14. Develop relationship of mutual respect with the University Community
  15. Refrain from any act of discrimination against any individual or group on the basis of race, ethnicity or any other unreasonable ground
  16. Avoid acts and situations that are intimidating to students;
  17. Observe the Islamic ethics and the code of ethics relevant to his profession;
  18. Conduct research work for the advancement of knowledge in his area of specialization having regard to the development needs of the country;
  19. Organize, direct and develop the activities of his department and /or faculty where such is required by the University;
  20. Not handover a course he is assigned to teach to any other person without the prior approval of the dean or department head;
  21. Invigilate his course seriously and submit marked examination papers and grades on time to his department;
  22. Take good care of all University property under his possession;
  23. Accept additional teaching assignments with due compensation when compelling  Circumstance arise; and
  24. Accept instructions of his superiors where such instructions are not contrary to the University Policy and the terms and conditions of his contract of employment.
  • Without limitation to the generality of the provisions of sub-Article (a) and (b) (c) of this Article, a member of the academic staff shall ensure that in conducting examinations :
  • All questions are in line with the objectives and outcomes stated in the syllabus
  • all questions conform to the prescribed course outline
  • All questions cover all text book chapters
  • He used the required text book in the class and prepared examination question from the text book not from slides.
  • all questions can be reasonably answered within the time prescribed;
  • All questions papers are of a reasonable length, normally covering a period between two to three hours for a three-credit-hour course;
  • All questions are designed to measure the students’ aptitude and skills in terms of recall, comprehension, application, and analytical skill
  • All questions are properly designed and clearly formulated and weighted without ambiguity
  • All questions have a mixture of questions of different level of difficulties as follows
  • Easy Questions: 30% – 40%.
  • Intermediate level of difficult: 30% – 40%.
  • Difficult Question: 20% – 30%
  • All questions are corrected properly and seriously without error
  • Question papers are not same to any previous question paper designed to any class by the examiner or any other examiner
  • All questions have marking schemes that are designed to give a fair assessment of the answers expected and should be submitted together with the question paper to the faculty dean for vetting to ensure standards are maintained and for reference if there is a case of appeal for rechecking;
  • All questions papers are submitted to the dean not later than one week before the examination takes place and sign a receiving form for that purpose
  • He submitted mid-term test result, final test result, validation sheets and examination papers to the office of the dean of faculty one week after the examination of course ends.
  • He informed each student the marks he obtained in the continuous assessment and the mid-term test in the class
  •  He Implemented university continuous assessment format and returned within allowable period
  • He has no error in marking examinations papers

Article (7) Rights of full time instructors

  1. A person joining the University to perform essentially teaching duties as a full time instructor may be granted transportation upon his request if that is written in his contract  
  2. A person joining any faculty of the University, as a full-time instructor shall be assigned an academic rank.
  3. The University shall make payments to the teaching staff for services rendered in teaching beyond the full load expected of them.
  4. The maximum load of the full time instructor that the university may assign is six courses.
  5. An instructor joining the University for the first time shall be subjected to a probationary period during his first year with the University in which time the University may, on one semester’s notice, inform the instructor that he will not be re-employed the following year;
  6. The university may reduce 30% of tuition fees from the children of the full time instructors who served three years for the university.
  7. The university will provide training opportunities for the full time instructors
  8. The university will provide salary of twelve months for the full time instructors
  9. A person joining the university to perform teaching duties as fulltime instructor will enjoy the same rights of the other university staffs

Article (8) Part-time Instructors

  1. The University may use part-time instructors, and they may be assigned to any administrative tasks
  2. The use of part-time instructors should be reduced as much as possible and the university should make half of the instructors permanent if possible
  3. The part-time instructors have to adhere to the duties of the instructors stipulated in this policy.
  4. If the part-time instructor breaches any of his/her work duties, the disciplinary actions applied for instructors will be applied as stipulated in this policy and the employment contract
  5. The part-time instructors get remuneration for each teaching unit approved in the study plans of the University

Article (9) Class Management

  1. All classes should meet on the days, times, and locations listed in the schedule of classes. Permission for exception to this rule must be secured in writing and in advance from the dean of faculty or department chair. Agreements arrived at between faculty members and students to alter class meeting times and locations are not permitted without the corresponding written agreement of the dean or department chair
  2. If classroom facilities are inadequate or otherwise unsatisfactory, the instructor shall contact department immediately. Do not change rooms or attempt to alter the facilities without contacting the department for assistance in correcting the problem
  3. Beder International University is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can live, and work, in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility, and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual.
  4. Members of the university community have the right to work and learn in an environment free of unlawful discrimination. In accordance with this, the instructor has an ethical and legal responsibility to interact with students in a manner free from all forms of unlawful discrimination, including tribalism and sexual harassment. 

Article (10) Syllabus and Course requirement Information

  1. The lecturer should inform students in writing of the requirements of the course by no later than the end of the first week of classes and he should adhere to these requirements.
  2.  Students should be informed of such necessary information as
  1. Course goals, objectives, and requirements
  2. Your grading  policy
  3. Attendance requirements
  4. Your policy on due dates and make-up work;
  5. Required texts and material
  6. Your availability outside of class, including office hours and your office telephone number
  7. Course description and number of chapters required
  • It is the responsibility of the University to choose the appropriate textbook(s) for the course(s).  Normally, the lecturer shall be involved in the textbook selection process

Article (11) Examinations results and Student right to appeal

  1. The instructor shall submit the grade report to the examination director or faculty or departmental office within one week after administering the final examination, but no later than the posted deadline.  Reports of final grades are listed to each student at the end of each semester by the Examination Office
  2. After student’s grades have been posted on the board of the University, students who have complaints about the grades can submit a petition for grade re-checking to the Examination Division. The petition will be submitted through the Examination Division’s Office after payment of $10processing fee. If the petition is granted, the review will be conducted by a Faculty Dean and the instructor of the course

Article (12) Lecturer and Student’s Attendance

  1. If the lecturer misses the class meeting time because of illness, he need to notify the dean of faculty prior to class time.  If he misses the class meeting time for a reason other than illness, including, for example, attendance at a professional meeting, he must get prior authorization from the faculty.  Unauthorized absences will normally result in a reduction of pay, and six or more consecutive unauthorized absences may result in automatic termination. The instructor shall come in his class on time and well prepared and if he violate this article the dean of the faculty can take any appropriate action he seems fit after the approval of the president
  2. The attendance of every student in every section must be monitored by the instructor. Every student is expected to attend all classes and if a student’s absences exceed 10% of total hours designated for the class without an excuse acceptable to the Dean of Faculty, the dean shall issue a warning. If the absences reach 15% without an excuse acceptable to the Faculty, the dean shall issue a final warning with the Dean’s approval. If absences reach 20%, the student shall be barred from sitting for the final examination(s). If the absence is caused by ill health or some other cause acceptable to the Dean, the student shall be given a withdrawal mark W in his/her transcript. If the student wishes to appeal, he/she can appeal to the Dean of the faculty explaining the reasons for the absence.



Article (13) Appointments and Qualifications

  1. Each person appointed to be an instructor at Beder International University requires the following
  1. He must has a good reputation and behavior
  2. He must possess at least a master’s degree from recognized university
  3. He must has undergraduate and master’s degree that related to the course he is offered to teach
  4. He must has a minimum of two years teaching experience at university level
  5. He must score a minimum grade of B in his undergraduate degree.
  1. He must has recommendation from his previous employer or from a reliable person
  2. He must not face any reliable and reasonable complaint from his previous students 
  3. It is preferred that his age is not less than 30 years

Article (14) position of full professor

To hold a position of full professor, a person must be

  1. A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or Master’s degree in Clinical Sciences and
  2.  Twelve years of effective teaching as an associate professor; and
  3.  Four textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion or  Two books based on original research and a textbook  and three articles or two books and six articles in one’s area of specialization published in reputable journals or Three text books and three articles or one textbook and nine articles in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion and
  4. Active participation in the affairs of the University; and
  5.  Public service

Article (15) position of an associate professor

To hold a position of an associate professor, a person:

  1. Must normally hold a Ph.D. or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university and must have held the position of assistant professor for at least eight years in a recognized university and
  2. Minimum Six years of effective teaching as an associate professor; and
  3. two textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion or one book based on original research and a textbook or One textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion and two article published in reputable journal or Seven published articles in reputable journal(s) in his field of specialization and one teaching material and
  4. Active participation in the affairs of the University; and
  5. Public service

Article (16) position of an assistant professor

To hold a position of an assistant professor, a person must be

  1. A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or A master`s degree in clinical sciences and a minimum of three years of effective teaching or
  2. A Candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree and
  3. Minimum 6 years of effective teaching as an lecturer; and
  4. one textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion  or Three published articles in reputable journal(s) in his field of specialization or At least two articles and one teaching material; or At least one article and two teaching materials and
  5. Active participation in the affairs of the University and
  6. Public Service

Article (17) position of a lecturer

To hold a position of a lecturer/ a person must be

  1. A master`s degree in clinical sciences


  1. A Candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree and
  2. A minimum of two years of effective teaching and


  1. A candidate with the qualification of a Postgraduate Diploma and    
  2. A minimum of Four years of effective teaching  and
  3. evaluated compiled lecture notes or one article in his area of specialization 
  4. For the purpose of sub-Article 17 (c) hereof the following may be considered as indicators of academic progress:
  5. compiled lecture notes which accommodate new developments in his field of study;
  6. Authorship or co-authorship of an article in a journal or professional project.
  7. Must meet any other conditions stipulated by the University.

Article (18) position of assistant lecturer/ language instructor

To hold a position of assistant lecturer/ language instructor, a person:

  1. Must hold a bachelor’s degree with at least the level of a CGPA of 3.00 and A minimum of one year of effective teaching in a recognized university or
  2. Must hold a  post graduate diploma from a recognized university
  3. Must meet any other conditions stipulated by the University.

Article (19) position of Graduate assistant / lab technician

To hold a position of Graduate assistant / lab technician, a person:

  1. Must hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with at least the level of a CGPA of 3.00
  2. Must meet any other conditions stipulated by the University.

Article 20: Academic Rank

  1. A person joining any faculty of the University, as a full-time academic staff shall be assigned an academic rank, in accordance with the general criteria established by the University and with other procedures and criteria established for that faculty. Each person assigned to a rank shall be eligible for promotion in accordance with the procedures and rules set forth in this Legislation.
  2. An instructor joining the University for the first time shall be subjected to a probationary period during his first year with the University in which time the University may, on one semester’s notice, inform the instructor that he will not be re-employed the following year

Article (21) Instructor Selection and Academic Board

  1. At the beginning of each academic year, a board called The Academic board shall be formed and headed by the director of academic affairs. This committee shall consist of Director of Academic Affairs, Registrar, Examination Director and Student affairs director and any other staff appointed by the president. The committee shall follow up the implementation of plans approved by the President to cover the University staffing needs and renew their contracts.
  2. Faculties and centers will provide the committee with their staffing needs for each academic year and the different specializations and academic ranks needed within a period of no more than one month from the commencement of the academic year. The faculty must also specify any special conditions that have to be met by candidates.
  3. Vacancies for academic faculty member will be advertised only once at a suitable time to be determined by the committee which shall oversee the design of the advertisement and its duration as well as methods and places of advertising. Job vacancies may in special cases, be advertised more than once a year.

Article (22) Job applications for positions

  1. A Job applications for positions advertised by the University must be submitted to the University, along with academic qualifications, experience certificates, publications, etc within the time limits set in the advertisement.
  2. Applications will be referred to director of academic affairs so they can be studied and opinion can be given in regard therewith in accordance with academic procedures and preference set by a decision issued by the Committee.
  3. The Committee shall send its recommendations for hiring the candidates to the President for Approval.

Article 23: Procedure for Appointment of teaching staff

  1. Director of academic affairs shall prepare application form
  2. Applicant shall submit application form with original Documents
  3. Director of academic affairs shall receive application form from the applicant
  4. Director of academic affairs shall sort the application forms according to the Faculties
  5. The director shall forward the form to respective dean of faculty for evaluation
  6. The dean shall receive the application form  and evaluate the applicant
  7. The dean shall send the evaluation and the recommendation to the director of academic affairs for further action
  8. The director shall receive application form and the deans evaluation and evaluate and verify the applicant
  9. The director shall send application form, deans evaluation and director of academic affairs evaluation to the board of academic affairs for further action
  10. The academic board shall receive the application form  and deans and directors evaluation and verify, if the application does not fulfill the requirement, instruct the director of Academic Affairs to send declination letter to the applicant, If the application fulfills the requirement, call the applicant for interview and forward the recommended form to the president for approval
  11. An applicant whose application for teaching has been rejected shall have a right of appeal to the president whose decision shall be final
  12. Any lecturer who is hired by the university according to this procedure but dismissed from the teaching or leaves the university by his own choice cannot be hired again without following this article

Article (24) Teaching staff may be hired without advertising

As an exception to the provisions of Articles (21) (22) and Article (23) hereinabove, a teaching staff may be hired by a decision from the President without advertising the position in the following cases:

  1. If the candidate is nominated for an academic administrative position
  2. If there is urgent need and applicant has fulfilled all appointment requirements for appointment as a faculty member.
  3. If the applicant has a rare specialization and enjoys a distinguished academic status that cannot be available through advertising.

Article (25) Teaching Load

  1. The teaching load of the faculty member will be (18) teaching hours a week for Ph.D. holders and Master’s holders. The President may, however, direct a faculty member to teach extra hours if that is deemed necessary
  2. The teaching load of a faculty member holding the position of President or Dean, Director or any similar position will be reduced to (6) teaching hours. None of them shall be paid for any extra credit hour he might teach. The President may allow for any exception whenever necessary.
  3. The teaching load of a faculty member who occupies the position of deputy-dean, Head of a Department or any similar position shall be reduced to nine (9) credit hours. None of them shall be paid for any extra credit hour he might teach. The President may allow for any exception whenever necessary
  4. A faculty member may be, by a decision of the President, assigned on a fulltime or part-time basis, tasks other than teaching that may serve the objects of the University.
  5. The President may reduce the teaching load of a faculty member by an appropriate number of credit hours to enable him/her to conduct another activity or a research in a topic that has been approved.

Article   (26) Salary Scale

  1. A general faculty salary scale providing for salary ranges, to be fixed in accordance with a scheme applicable to all academic staff, shall be developed and revised by the University. The executive management committee shall review the existing salary scale and suggest a new salary and benefit package to Senate.
  2. Within the limitations of the general salary scheme, differential salary scales may be employed for some professions to enable the University attract qualified professionals on a competitive basis.
  3. The University shall put in place mechanisms for periodical review of the existing salary structure in view of prevailing economic realities.

Article (27) Salary Increment 

It will be the policy of the University to provide, within the limits of its fiscal resources, for salary increments based on performance.

Article (28) Extra-teaching Load Payment  

The University shall make payments to the teaching staff for services rendered in teaching beyond the full load expected of them. Such payment shall be depending on the rank of the staff rendering the service and the kind of services rendered.

Article (29)  Other Benefits

Spouses and children of full time academic staff who served the University for a period of at leas five years shall have the privilege of being placed at the University programs, provided that they meet the admission requirements of the respective programs.



Article (30) Promotion Committee

A committee will be set up under the chairmanship of the President for the purpose of academic certificate equivalence and recommending academic ranks at the University. The President may add to this committee other specialized persons to act as permanent or temporary members. The committee may consult any educational institution or otherwise inside or outside the country. The decisions of this committee regarding certificate equivalence and recommending academic ranks in the University shall be final after the approval of the President.

Article (31(Procedures for Promotions

  1. The academic staff concerned, department heads or institute directors, colleagues within the department, or the dean of the faculty may initiate application or nomination for promotion of a staff.
  2. The faculty or department shall assess the application and, upon denial, inform the applicant of the same and, upon acceptance, recommend it to the Academic board within one month of the receipt of the application. If the deadline cannot be adhered to, the faculty or Department should make sure to inform the applicant the reasons for the delay.
  3. Upon receipt of the recommended application from the faculty or department, the Academic board shall process the same within a period of one month and forward the documents to the Office of the president or forwards the application back to the department if the application is denied.
  4. Promotion requests to the rank of assistant professor or above are forwarded by the Office of the president to the promotion committee (PC ) which in turn· processes the promotion request within one month, and upon acceptance, recommends the same to the Senate, or returns the document to the faculty if the request is denied.
  5. Promotions to the rank of lecturer and below are communicated by the president to the candidate and relevant University bodies within one week from the date of approval, or returned to the faculty if denied.
  6. Promotions to the rank of assistant professor and above are considered by following recommendation of the PC and final approval by the Senate in the case of assistant and associate professorship, and for submission to the Board in the case of professorship.
  7. Promotion requests for the rank of professorship that are endorsed by the Senate shall be presented to the Board, for its final approval, by the President
  8. Upon approval by the Senate or by the Board, as appropriate, the President communicates the appointments to the candidates and relevant University bodies within a period of one week.
  9. Rejected promotion requests may be reinitiated a fresh and processed following the same procedure.
  10. When a head of a department is a candidate for promotion, the dean shall designate a senior member of the department to act as chairman of a department staff affairs committee or its equivalent for the specific purpose of processing the promotion. The person so designated shall be responsible for:
  1. Convening and chairing all department meetings for the purpose;
  2. Being in custody of all relevant forms, documents               and confidential correspondence relating to the case
  3. Selecting, in confidential consultation with appropriate senior members of the department, relevant evaluators for the publications submitted;
  4. Handling all confidential correspondence on the case; and
  5. Submitting the final recommendations of the department on the promotion to the dean.
  6. A case of promotion shall be said to have reached a final stage if the following conditions are satisfied:
  7. Promotion to the ranks of professor when approved by the Board;
  8. Promotion to the ranks of assistant professor and associate professor, when approved by the Senate;
  9. Other promotions of academic nature, such as those of lecturers and technical assistants, when approved by the president and
  10. All promotions to the rank of assistant professor and above that are duly approved by the appropriate University organ shall be deemed to have become retroactively effective as of the date of acceptance by the PC

Article (32) Criteria for Promotions: Principles Governing Promotions

  1. The length of service within a given rank, effectiveness in teaching or research and publications, participation in the affairs of the University, and public and professional service rendered in various capacities shall be the basic criteria on the basis of which promotion is determined. The components of the requirements that have to be met to fulfill each of these criteria and the manner in which these are assessed are set forth in this Article. The PC may provide detailed guidelines regarding the components of the requirements for promotions.
  2. Promotion criteria at Beder International University include evaluating the performance of faculty members in the following three areas:
  1. Teaching and academic advising: forty five points (45%)
  2. Research and Publication: thirty points (30%)
  3. University and community services: twenty five points (25%)

Article (33) Length of Service within a Given Rank

  1. There shall be a minimum number of years an academic staff has to serve with a given rank for promotion to the next higher rank.
  2. For an academic staff who has served in other accredited institutions of higher learning before being appointed in a given department, his/her years of service outside shall be considered for the fulfillment of this criterion. However, such an academic staff must serve for at least one year at the University before submitting application for promotion.
  3. The duration of service of academic staff who are on local study leave and working for the University on half load basis shall be counted towards the year of service in that proportion.

Article (34) Effectiveness in Teaching and Advising

  1. Effectiveness in teaching of an academic staff shall be measured by the evaluations of the staff’s work by his students, the faculty and academic division at the end of each semester or academic year as the case may be.
  2. The contribution of each of the components of the system of evaluation to the overall rating of the teaching effectiveness of an academic staff shall be as follows:
  3. Evaluation by Students…………………………………..…….40%
  4. Academic division…….…………………………………….…30%
  5. Evaluation by the faculty………………………………………..30%
  6. For fulfillment of the criteria of effectiveness in teaching and advising, the weighted average of the evaluation over a given number of years the academic staff has served after his last promotion shall not be less than 60%. The average of evaluation over these years in each category shall not be less than 50%.
  7. The different courses the academic staff· has taught since his last promotion shall be indicated with the corresponding students’ evaluation on the delivery of these courses. For the purpose of measuring his teaching effectiveness, results of evaluations shall be computed as follows:
  8. For promotion to the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor and professor, evaluations of the last four years of service.
  9. An application for promotion submitted before an academic staff leaves for study or research shall be processed, provided that all the requirements are fulfilled at the time of application.

Article (35) Publications and Research

  1. Publication of a book, an article or articles in reputable journals, preparation of a teaching material or, production of projects demonstrating professional and creative talent is a mandatory requirement for promotion to the rank of assistant professor, associate professor or professor.
  2. The reputability of local and foreign journals shall be determined on the basis of existing criteria by the research and publication committee( RPC)
  3. Research papers presented at scientific, academic or professional conferences, seminars, symposia, etc. may be presented for purposes of fulfilling the publications criteria for promotion. However, such papers will have to be assessed for their academic merit and contributions to knowledge in the particular discipline. The criteria and procedures for the assessment of such papers or articles shall be issued by the RPC.
  4. Research papers published in journals whose reputability has not been established or chapters in books may be presented for purposes of fulfilling the publications criteria for promotion. However, such papers will have to be assessed for their academic merit and contributions to knowledge in the particular discipline. The criteria and Procedures for the assessment of such papers or articles shall be issued by the RPC.
  5. Publications that appear in reputable journals under the titles such as technical notes, short communications, discussions, reviews, case reports etc. may be counted towards the fulfillment of the criteria for promotion.
  6. Each co-author of an article published in a reputable journal shall be given a share as determined by the RPC
  7. Publications arising out of the applicant’s thesis or dissertation may be used for promotion
  8. For fulfillment of the criteria of Publication and research, the weighted average of the evaluation after his last promotion shall not be less than 60%.

Article (36) Participation in the Affairs of the University and Public service

  1. This requirement may be fulfilled by holding a post of academic administration at department, faculty and/or university level, participating in standing or ad-hoc committees and taking assignments when called upon by the department, faculty or University administration. Participation in activities such as journal editing, organizing workshops, reviewing, etc. that enhance one’s. Profession shall also count towards the fulfillment of this criterion. The relative weights to be assigned to the three components of this criterion shall be as follows:
  2. Academic Administration ……………… 50%
  3. Work in Committee………………………10%
  4. Public service and professional activities…40%
  • An academic staff who, for no justifiable reasons, refuses to accept positions of academic administration or committee assignments shall forgo the points for participation in University affairs. Those who did not have the opportunity to do so or those who, for valid reasons, decline to accept such offers may be evaluated having regard to their willingness and participation in other University-wide, faculty or departmental committees, ad-hoc committees and such other assignments as may be deemed appropriate by the department head or the dean of the faculty.
  • The following may constitute public service and professional activities:
  • Participation in local, regional and national committees whenever called upon to do so;
  • Taking part in journal editing, reviewing and organizing workshops;
  • conducting series of press, radio and/or TV programs to elucidate to the public some basic problems of health, Islamic teachings, education, Islamic law, science and technology, etc.; and other professional services, paid or unpaid, to the community the contents and quality of which are to be determined by the concerned department of the University; or
  • Producing publications that do not fall in his area of specialization, but having contribution to the public at large.

Article (37) Weighted Values of the Criteria for Academic Promotion

  1. Weighted values are assigned to each of the major components of the criteria in the manner provided hereunder.
  2. In the case of promotions to academic ranks below that of an assistant professor, it is sufficient that the candidate meet the minimum in terms of years of service, academic qualification and publications wherever applicable. The minimum criteria are set out under the provisions of Article 34, 35, 36, of this legislation.
  3. For promotion to the· rank of assistant professor the following weights shall apply:
  1. Overall evaluation in teaching/advising shall not be less than …60
  2. Overall evaluation in Publications and Research shall not be less than …60
  3. Overall evaluation in Participation in University affairs and/or professional and/or related public service shall not be less than …55
  • For promotion to the ranks of associate professor and professor the following weights shall apply:
  1. Overall evaluation in teaching/research shall not be less than…60
  2. Overall evaluation in research and Publication shall not be less than  …60
  3. Overall evaluation in Participation in University affairs and/or professional and/or related public service shall not be less than …60
  • Apart from the fulfillment of the individual criterion specified earlier, it is proposed that a candidate for the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor and professor should earn a minimum of 75% of the maximum possible total points indicated hereof.

Article (38) Accelerated Promotion

  An academic staff member who demonstrates extra­ordinary accomplishments in his area of specialization may qualify for extra-ordinary promotion.

Article (39) Extra-ordinary Promotion or Appointment

  1. Members of the academic staff with achievements that have been widely acclaimed or who have won recognition through awards and/or meritorious achievement, citations from recognized professional bodies or Institutions, may be recommended for appointments and/or promotions to a given rank.
  2. A particular department, faculty or institute in which the candidate is a member can initiate recommendations for extra-ordinary appointments and/or promotions. Such recommendation should be supported by documents that evidence the special merits of the candidate.
  3. Review of the recommendation shall follow the normal process and shall be submitted to the Senate and/or the Board for approval.



Article (40) Study Leave

  1. Any academic staff who is awarded fellowship through the University or who can provide satisfactory evidence regarding an opportunity for a reasonably funded scholarship in a recognized foreign university leading to a higher degree in his field of specialization may be granted a study leave provided that it is in line with the staff development scheme worked out by his department or faculty.
  2. For all teaching faculty the leave provided in this Article may be taken only after an academic staff has served for a minimum four years following his employment and after signing a contract with the university.
  3. Payment of salaries to an academic staff on study leave shall be governed by the rules that may be issued by the University.
  4. An academic staff who is on a study leave shall keep the University informed of his progress by means of biannual reports starting from the end of the first six months into his leave. These regular reports shall in all cases be endorsed by the academic advisor or the major professor of the member of staff in the University or college he has joined as a student. Failure to submit such reports may result m the discontinuation of payment of salary that may be due or other appropriate actions.
  5. An academic staff who for acceptable reasons, cannot complete his studies within the originally granted period of absence has to formally request the university. For an extension of leave. Such an extension shall be limited to a maximum period of one ‘year for those pursuing masters’ degrees and a maximum of two years for those pursuing a Ph.D. or Its equivalent.
  6. The University reserves the right to claim damages from academic staff who fail to return to their respective duties within the periods of time specified in this Article
  7. The university reserves the right to claim all payments paid to the respective academic staff who failed to perform the contract that signed between him and the university
  8. An academic staff who fails to return to the University to resume his work within the periods specified in this Article shall lose his standing in the University.

Article (41) Research Leave

  1. A full-time academic staff who has served in the University for a minimum of four consecutive years may be entitled to a research leave for a maximum period of six months provided he has not taken any other academic leave during the four years preceding the anticipated starting date of the leave sought;
  2. Permanent academic staff requesting for research leave under this Article shall present to his dean/director a program of study or research that will enable him improve his capacities as a scholar. He shall further be required to issue an undertaking that he will continue his association with the University for a Minimum of one year after the leave. Failure to comply with the undertaking shall entitle the University to claim the salaries paid to the staff during the leave period plus damages;
  3. Research leaves provided in this Article shall be granted with full ‘payment all benefits available for academic staff.
  4. Application for research leave shall be submitted by the staff to the dean/director of his faculty six months in advance of the start of the leave. The dean, in consultation with the academic board and with the approval of the president, shall grant the request unless it is determined that the teaching needs of the faculty cannot be met if the leave is granted for the period sought, in which event the leave is to begranted within a period of one year during the next academic year.
  5. The leave shall not be determined if the teaching needs of the faculty or the concerned staff responsibility cannot be met

Article (42) Other Leaves

  1. Permanent Academic staff who has served the University for more than one year but for less than five years shall be granted sick leave with full pay for two months and an additional four months of leave with half pay in the event of protracted illness within a given year. For permanent academic staff who has served the University for five years or more, the length of leave for illness shall be three months with full pay and six months with half pay. In either case, the leave shall be granted only where the staff produces proof that such a leave is medically required or advisable.
  2. A University-employed spouse of an academic staff who is on a study leave that is three years long may be granted leave of absence without pay for a maximum period of one year to be in the company of the latter and provided that the University unit for which the spouse works confirms that the granting of such a leave would not cause a serious disruption of its normal functioning.
  3. Occasional leaves such as leave to attend seminars, workshops, symposia, short courses, etc. may be granted with full pay for a period not exceeding a total of two weeks academic calendar days in one academic year provided that such a leave would not cause a serious disruption of its normal functioning.
  4. A full time academic staff with a rank of lecturer and above may be granted leave without pay for a maximum period of two years provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
  1. The staff is seeking the leave upon secondment to or upon having been offered an appointment at an institution of high repute and that such secondment or appointment is deemed to be an honor for the University and an opportunity for experience that would not only benefit the Country at large but also enhance the professional capacity of the scholar;
  2. There is a determination, by the President, that the granting of the leave will not seriously disrupt the normal functioning of academic activities in the department; and
  3. The period of time for which the academic staff would be on such a leave shall not be counted as a period of service to the University.

Article (43) Working for other Institutions or for Private Interest

  1. During the official working hours, an academic staff shall give full energy and attention, to the best of his ability, to the job to which he is assigned unless permitted by the university president.
  2. No academic staff shall undertake any outside activity which may impair his usefulness to the University or conflict with his duties.
  3. The provisions of this Article shall, however, not be deemed to constitute a bar on an academic staff from participating in professional associations

Article (44) Acts Constituting Breach of Duty and/or Violation of Disciplinary Regulations

The following acts and/or forbearances shall. Constitute serious breach of duty and/or violation of disciplinary regulations by an academic staff:

  1. Repeated and willful failure, despite warnings from the dean and/or the directors specifying  the conduct disapproved of, to perform anyone or all of the obligations stipulated in one,’ s contract of employment with the University and/or any one or all of the duties and responsibilities specified under the provisions of this Legislation;
  2. Repeated and willful refusal, despite warning from the dean and/or the directors specifying the conduct disapproved of, to perform. Assigned teaching and/or research function, Adversity or faculty committee assignments;
  3. Continuation of a willful course of conduct, despite warning from the dean and/or the directors specifying the conduct disapproved of, that demonstrate open disloyalty to and disrespect of the University or causes unjustified embarrassment to the University and harm to its programs;
  4. Conviction of a serious crime or the commission of other acts of misconduct that clearly reflect immorality or dishonesty or breach of Islamic teachings ;
  5. Continuation of a willful course of conduct, despite warning from the dean and/or directors, the department head specifying the conduct disapproved of, that demonstrate neglect of duties, breach of professional code of conduct, or similar breaches of social decorum which produce serious embarrassment to the University;
  6. Abuse of position and/or authority in the University. in clear violation of the professional ethics and principles governing the academic profession and/or the profession of the staff concerned;
  7. Breaches of duty and/or violations of disciplinary regulations not specified in this Article shall, for the purpose of this Legislation, be deemed non-serious breaches or violations.

Article (45) Disciplinary Actions

  1. The disciplinary committee shall be formed with a decision from the President and will be as follows:
  1. Vice-President as a chairman
  2. A Dean other than the one that investigated the member.
  3. Director of academic affairs
  4. Director of Examinations
  5. Human resource director
  6. Taking into account the provision of staff discipline, a Dean or director, appointed by the President, is responsible to investigate the faculty member directly if he/she falls short in his/her duties. The Dean or the director reports to the President about the results of the investigation, and the president assigns the investigated member to disciplinary committee if necessary
  7. The President may suspend the work of any faculty member and those in a similar role if it is necessary. The suspension period must not be more than 4 months, unless there is a decision by the disciplinary committee.
  8. The suspension period may be extended, based on the circumstances; however, it must not be more than one year each time
  9. The disciplinary actions to be taken for the faculty members and those in a similar role are:
  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Written warning
  3. Restricted access to more classes
  4. Ineligibility for promotion
  5. Suspension from classes 
  6. Salary deduction for not more than the salary of three months and the monthly deduction not more than third of the salary.
  7. Prevention from one increment.
  8. Postpone promotion for 1 year.
  9. Recommends suspension from duty to the President.
  10. Recommends dismissal to the President

Article (46) Disciplinary Action by a Dean or Academic Affairs Director

  1. A dean, or Director of academic affairs, may take anyone of the following sanctions or, when the circumstances justify, a combination of them against a staff found to be responsible for breaches of duty and/or violation of disciplinary regulations, provided, however, that an academic staff member responsible for non-serious breaches or violations as specified under Sub-Article 44.(h) hereof shall only be subject to reprimand or warning where such breaches or violations are committed for the first time:
  2. blaming;
  3. Warning;
  • Where the exigency of the measures as well as the magnitude and gravity of the breach Justify the course of action, a dean may suspend from duty an academic ‘staff who is charged with serious breach of duty and shall forthwith submit the case for consideration to the President

Article (47) Disciplinary Actions by the president

  1. Upon the recommendation of the dean of faculty or director of academic affairs, the president may take anyone of the following sanctions against academic staff found to be responsible for serious breaches of duty and/or violations of disciplinary regulations.
  2. Postponement of salary increment for a period not exceeding two years;
  3. Postponement of promotion for academic rank for a period not exceeding two years;
  4. Deduction of salary ;
  5. Suspension from classes
  6.  Restricted access to more classes
  7. Dismissal

Article (48) Right of Appeal

  1. An academic staff may  appeal  to  the  University President against  the  decision  of  the  Disciplinary committee or dean and directors  within  14  (fourteen)  days  after  being  notified  of  the  decision.  
  2. b) In  any  appeal  under  subsection  (b)  the  President  may  confirm,  vary,  amend  or  set  aside  the  decision  appealed  against  or  give  such  decision  as  the  case  may  require.  
  3. An  academic staff  may  appeal  to  the  chairman of the board of trustees against  the  decision  of  the  President  within  7  (seven)  days  after  being  notified  of  the  decision

Article (49) Waiver of Academic staff rules

The president shall issue guidelines for the determination of waiver of academic staff rules stipulated under this article and he shall decide waiver on the basis of the guidelines for waiver

Article (50) Amendment

  1. The amendment of these rules is legal only in the Senate meeting. One third of the senate members or the President has the right to suggest proposal amendment, and the amendment of this act shall be legal:
  2. With the suggestion of proposal amendment by one third of the senate members with approval of two third of the senate members.
  3. With the suggestion of proposal amendment by the president with the approval of two third of the senate members
  4. The senate shall have a final say concerning the interpretation of disputed provisions of the legislation

Mubarik Ibrahim Aar

BIU President

Beder International UniversityISSUE DATE: 10/2/14
Human Resource PolicyEFFECTIVE DATE  :  1/3/2014
DOCUMENT NO.  :  BIU/9//14    PAGE  :  1/32
Academic Staff Criteria and Salary Scale  EFFECTIVE DATE:19/10/2023
    Academic Staff Criteria and Salary Scale        
Issued byApproved by
Name ;Mukhtaar Ibrahim BatunName: Mubarik Ibrahim Aar
Position : Management representativePosition President
Date : 19/10/2023Date : 19/10/2023
Date  Details of Changes  Authorized by  
01 Master CopyRegistrar Office
05Director of Academic and quality assurance
06Director of Admin and Finance
07Director of Examinations
08Head of Library
09Faculty Administrator
010admin and logistics officer
011Library Copy
012Deans of faculties
013 Director of student and trainings 014 Director of marketing and public relations
RankGradeSalary Scale
Graduate Assistant
A candidate with the qualification of a Bachelor’s degree and with at least the level of a CGPA of 3.00.Grade B36$
A candidate with the qualification of a Bachelor’s degree and with at least the level of a CGPA of 3.00.One year of effective teaching and  Grade A48$
Assistant LecturerGradeSalary Scale
  A candidate with the qualification of a Bachelor’s Degree and One year of effective teaching as a full-time graduate assistant.                             Grade B  60$  
 A candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree                              OR A candidate with the qualification of a Postgraduate Diploma  and    Minimum two years of effective teaching                  Grade A72$
LecturerGradeSalary Scale
 A candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree andA minimum of two year of effective teaching in a recognized university   OR A candidate with the qualification of a degree in Clinical Sciences and One year of effective teaching  B120$
A master`s degree in clinical sciences                           OR A Candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree andA minimum of three years of effective teaching and At least one article in his area of specialization or one teaching material                                                               Grade A132$
Assistant ProfessorGrade BSalary Scale
A master`s degree in clinical sciences and a minimum of two years of effective teaching OR A Candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree andA minimum of Four years of effective teaching  and At least two articles and one teaching material; or At least one article and two teaching materials andActive participation in the affairs of the University andPublic service144$
A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.)                                                  OR A master`s degree in clinical sciences anda minimum of three years of effective teaching OR A Candidate with the qualification of a Master’s Degree andMinimum 6 years of effective teaching as an assistant professor; and one textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion  orThree published articles in reputable journal(s) in his field of specialization  and Active participation in the affairs of the University; and Public serviceA156$
Associate ProfessorGradeSalary Scale
A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or Masters in Clinical Sciences and Six years of effective teaching as an assistant professor; and One textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion and two article published in reputable journal orSeven published articles in reputable journal(s) in his field of specialization and one teaching material and Active participation in the affairs of the University; and  Public serviceGrade B180$
A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or Masters degree in Clinical Sciences Minimum eight years of effective teaching as an associate professor; and two textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion or one book based on original research and a textbook andActive participation in the affairs of the University; and Public serviceGrade A192$
Professor GradeSalary Scale
A candidate with the qualification of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or Masters degree in Clinical Sciences Twelve years of effective teaching as an associate professor; and Four textbooks in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion or Two books based on original research and a textbook  and three articles or two books and six articles in one’s area of specialization published in reputable journals orThree text books and three articles or one textbook and nine articles in one’s area of specialization published since last promotion andActive participation in the affairs of the University; and  Public serviceGrade A204$

Mubarik Ibrahim Aar

BIU President