Dean : Abdishakour Mohamoud Hussein


Vission and Mission

1Accounting and Finance3 Years
2Islamic Banking and Finance3 Years
3Business Administration3 Years

Curriculum for Bachelor of Arts Program in Accounting and Finance

  1. Background

Accounting and finance is central to the operation and management of all businesses and most other organizations, whether in the private, public, or charity sectors.

This discipline, therefore, provides a large and growing base for successful careers in many types of organizations. It also creates the opportunities for stimulating career desires in the financial services sectors of various economies and as well in the Somaliland economy, as this sector has relatively been growing in the context and presumed to play its own role in the foreseeable period. Accountancy and finance, conceptually, are two faces of a coin; and their roles are indispensable, in operational terms. The central role of accounting in today’s society makes it interesting discipline of study in its own right, not just for those interested in a career in business, but also for anyone interested in the way that businesses influence and structure our lives and societies. Considering the socio-economic and business settings in the context of Somaliland, we presume, in this regard, that it is by far better to approach the specialized areas of Accounting and Finance holistically in academics. The situation in the context requires, among others, graduates that are Generalists in their professional engagements and able to discharge their responsibilities by integrating the broad-based functional roles & duties. In addition, for those who are interested, accounting is the basis for many good business related careers. We provide a solid higher education in Accounting & Finance that is useful for any career that requires the critical skills and adaptability of well grounded graduates. The central role of accounting and finance in today’s society makes the BA degree in Accounting and Finance a sound basis for many stimulating and prestigious career opportunities.

  • Program Objectives

The basic objectives of the program are as follows:

  • To provide students with high-quality education at internationally approved standards, to enable them to make successful financial decisions at required levels of managerial competencies.
  • To prepare highly skilled graduates to meet the market demand for professional accountant in all business functions.
  • To enhance students’ financial professional skills needed for sound decision-making process at relevant managerial positions in all types of organizations.
  • To help students to build the personal professional value system necessary to conduct business and take decisions according to high ethical standards of business conduct.
  • To produce world class accountant and auditors who are competent to efficiently and effectively audit a business enterprise and can compete internationally.
  • To train the students in communication skills effectively.
  • To inculcate Entrepreneurial skills.
  • To  enable students apply sound financial principles with Islamic values
  • To produce good Muslim individual who has Islamic ethics with financial skills
  • To create opportunities to familiarize the students with job related and practical matters through offering properly blended theoretical & practical accounting and finance courses in order to enable them handle professional assignments, duties, and responsibilities in any organization;
  • To produce students who can address the financial & economic problems in the nation;
  • Acquainting students with the practical as well as theoretical knowledge of contemporary and emerging accounting & finance issues and concepts;
  • To produce with high quality, learners who would be distinguished practitioners in the field of accounting and finance and able to give solutions to the financial problems
  • To produce graduates who are equipped with all the necessary techniques of accounting and finance, comprehend the applicable guidelines & rules, and keep in touch with business ethics and knowledge.
  • To produce graduates who are capable practically to apply the conceptual framework of accounting & finance in light of existing realities & considering legal & regulatory requirements.
  • To produce  graduates who recognize ethical issues and considerations incorporated in professional Accountancy, Financial Services, & Auditing practices (for instance, confidentiality, independence, impartiality, etc) and develop a sense of ethics in professional engagements.
  • To produce students who are skilled Verbal & Written Communication Skills, including the ability to present and evaluate arguments in a form appropriate to the audience
  • Program Learning Outcomes


The graduates of accounting, as practitioner accountants, will be able to:

  • Identify, record, sort, and summarize business transactions and other measurable accounting data;
  • Prepare payrolls and record related transactions; process bills for payments and receipts; process disbursement vouchers and control payments;
  • Prepare bank reconciliation statements and update records;
  • Establish petty cash funds and control disbursements
  • Provide information, either in a form of financial statements or financial reports, about the activities of every economic entity;
  • Record transactions and maintain balances of Head Office & Branch accounts;
  • Prepare statements for tax purposes and  file  income tax returns;
  • Account for funds as well as prepare fund based financial statements;
  • Perform Cash, Receivable , and Inventory Controls;
  • Identify & accumulate costs and properly allocate them to assets (cost objects);
  • Generate cost data & useful reports (constituting relevant information) for managerial decision making and control purposes;
  • Perform cost-volume-profit analysis, recognize costs & expenses over the value chain business functions, as well as conduct cost-benefit analysis;
  • Apply models & various techniques and perform simulations in order to generate as well as report information useful for internal decision making;
  • Make use of models, decision trees, and other techniques for costing & pricing decisions, analysis of segment/division profitability, evaluation of performance, and for special decisions;
  • Recognize and account for merger transactions, takeovers,  and business combinations;
  • Serve at clerical levels,  as a junior accountant, as well as at senior accountant positions being employees of  non-financial institutions (merchandizing, production, and service firms) and financial institutions (commercial banks, insurances, thrift institutions, etc); and
  • Identify & recognize banking transactions, account for local & international money transfers, and process loans;

Financial Manager, Treasurer, Controller, or CFO

The graduates of accounting and finance, as professionals in the area of finance and practicing financial managers, will be able to:

  • Plan the optimum size & mix of institutional assets, source and use of funds (or financial resources), and short-term and long-term investments;
  • Perform financial planning and analysis; Estimate risks, returns, and values (of firms, investments, securities, etc);
  • Manage current assets, short-term credits, and long-term credits of a firm (in line with sound theories & concepts and through applying appropriate tools, techniques, and models);
  • Assist the planning process by preparing budgets, measuring (analyzing) performance vis-à-vis budgets, and make periodic reports;
  • Estimate (through applying appropriate techniques) the probability as well as magnitude of business, financial, market, or other risks (for instance, physical/natural hazards) as well as manage them using appropriate risk management tools and techniques;
  • Plan for governmental revenues (sources of funds) and public sector expenditures (uses of funds);
  • Generate project ideas (proposals); complete preparations (with respect to market, financial, & socio-economic dimensions); and perform appraisals of candidate projects;
  • Select proposals (applying proper selection tools); plan for acquisition of project funds & their disbursements; develop schedules for implementation (or execution); design monitoring and evaluation schemes; and manage the whole process;
  • Involve in international financial management practices and professionally engage in multinational business settings; and
  • Comprehend the micro and macro-economic variables that influence the financing, investing, and operating activities of corporate firms and, in turn, prepare harmonizing plans and develop  mechanisms that enable these firms respond to the economic environment;

Specialist in Financial Services

The graduates of accounting and finance, as professionals (or specialists) in the area of financial services, will be able to:

  • Serve as specialists and experts in financial institutions;
  • Execute professional services required in real estates and investment institutions;
  • Serve as security analysts in the available financial markets;
  • Serve as consultants & investment advisors; and
  • Serve in brokerage & dealer firms and in investment banks;


The graduates of accounting and finance, as practicing auditors, will be able to:

  • Perform internal audits of the accounting records and control institutional assets;
  • Perform external audits of financial statements and reports;
  • Identify clients for external audit, keeping in touch with ethical & professional standards, and conduct pre-audit inspection and investigation; and
  • Set audit objectives, perform all types of audits; and issue professionally consistent audit reports (individually or else in team).

Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Specialist

The graduates of accounting and finance can also serve as AIS specialists. In this regard, as AIS specialist, the graduates will be able to:

  • Analyze, design, implement, revise, and/or update accounting systems (manual or computerized), forms, source documents, and develop procedure manuals;
  • Use computers and programs along with available accounting and business soft wares for processing (analyzing) financial data, generate financial and non-financial information, and develop databases.
  • Degrees Offered

The degree offered after successful completion of its program is called:

  • In English – “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance.”
  • Duration and Structure of Program

The program is a 3 year program. It requires at least 135 credit hours distributed as follows:

  • University Requirements: 28 credit hours.
  • Faculty Core Requirements: 20 credit hours
  • Compulsory Requirements from the department 84 credit hours
  • Department Electives: 3 credit hours.

6.     Education System

BIU follows the semester credit hours system and the normal duration of study at BIU is three years, divided into nine semesters, two normal semesters, each lasting for sixteen-weeks; and a short semester, that is comprised of eight weeks. The contact hours of short semester is doubled and periods of time reserved for final examinations is not considered part of the duration of the semester.

  • Language of Instruction

The courses of the program shall be taught in English. The university provides six contact hours for freshman English (1) and freshman English (2)

  •  Teaching and Learning Methods:

Teaching students the material of each course should be according to the best-known educational techniques. Examples of teaching methods include, but should not be limited to, the following: (as they apply to each course)

  • Classroom Lectures.
  • Practical work
  • Group discussion
  • Individual presentation
  • Experiential learning and field work
  • Team Projects
  • Seminars/ Workshops/Conferences
  • Guest speakers
  • Brain storming
  • Role play
  • Case study
  • . Examinations and Assessment:
  • The method of students’ evaluation during their study will be according to the rules and regulations set by the Beder International University. This should include quizzes, mid-term exams, Assignments, research projects, practical exams, and reports, in addition to the final written exam.
  1.  Entry Requirements:        

The general academic requirements for admission into University are as follows:

  1. Somaliland Secondary School Certificate or  any other secondary school certificate approved by the Ministry of Education
  2. Pass an entrance examination

The University considers mature applicants who have an equivalent Secondary School Certificate and satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Have records of continuous employment for a minimum of 5 years, with work relating to the field of training to which you seek admission
  2. Pass University entrance examinations
  3. Pass interview by the selection committee of the University
  4. The age of  the applicant is not less than 30 years old

11. Graduation requirement

BIU will award a degree program to students who complete the following requirements:

  1. He/she passes all the courses required for graduation in the study plan
  2. He/she passes with minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
  3. He/she spends the minimum time period stipulated for the award of the bachelor’s degree and not exceeding the maximum.
  4. Approval by the University Senate

12. Minimum qualifications of the academic staff

In order to qualify as a teacher for this programme, the candidate should have at least the following qualifications:

  • A master’s Degree in the related field

Minimum of two years of relevant experience or professional certification

Program Structure

Semester One:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG 112English  16
ACC113Financial Accounting 13
MGT114Principles of Management3
ARB115Arabic 13

Semester Two

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG122English   26
ACC2123Financial Accounting 23
COMP124Computer Application3
ECON125Principles of Microeconomics3

Semester Three

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ARB131Arabic 23
ISL132Islamic Studies 13
SOM133Somali Literature3
MKT134Principle of  Marketing3

Semester Four

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISL211Islamic Studies 23
FIN212Financial Management 13
MATH213Business Math3
ACFN214Intermediate Accounting 13
ACC215Cost & Management Accounting 13
ECON216Principles of Macroeconomics3

Semester Five:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ACFN221Intermediate Accounting 23
ACFN222Cost and Management Accounting 23
MGT223Operations Management3
STA224Business Statistics3
FIN225Financial Management 23
MGT226HR Management3

Semester Six:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISF231فقه المعاملات المالية3
ECON232Money and Banking3
FIN233Introduction to Islamic Banking & Finance3
Law234Business Law3

Semester Seven:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ECON311Research Methodology3
MGT312Entrepreneurship/ Small Business3
ACFN313Corporate Finance3
MGT314Operations research3
PRJ315Project Planning and Analysis3
ACFN316Accounting Information system3

Semester Eight:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ACF321Applied Research Methodology3
ACFN322Advanced Accounting3
FIN323Financial System Analysis3
ACFN324Auditing 13
ACFN325Governmental Accounting3
FIN326Financial Institutions and Markets3

Semester Nine:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
MGT331Risk Management and Insurance3
ACFN232Accounting Software Packages3
ACFN333Auditing 23
FIN334Public Finance and Taxation3

Curriculum for Bachelor of Islamic Economics and Banking

(B.Sc.3 Year Program)

  1. Introduction:

This programme provides a three-year bachelor programme that gives the students a good insight into how the global economy functions and how one can improve growth and welfare in both developed and developing countries. The primary field of study is Islamic economics and banking with modern economics as the primary supporting (major) subject.

In Islamic Economics, students acquire skills for analyzing important and stimulating national and global problems such as energy, inflation, unemployment, pollution, urban decay, as well as foreign trade and government budget deficits in Islamic perspective.

This program is designed to enhance students’ knowledge in the field of Islamic economics and banking especially in the theory and practice of modern banking system. Thus, the program incorporates multi-disciplinary areas, covering topics on finance, banking, economics, recent developments and the effects of technological changes on bank, as well as the globalization of the banking industry.

  • Strength of the BIEB Programme

The programme is able to produce competent and conversant workforce in the area of Islamic banking and finance to meet market demand in both national and international level. Career prospects in this industry include Finance and Islamic Banking institutions which offer and practice Islamic concepts/principles as a way of conducting business. The structure of the programme is specifically designed to include vital aspects of both Islamic and conventional Economics, finance and banking coupled with other relevant fields to strengthen the knowledge in meeting growing demand by the industry.

  • Programme Objectives

The programme aims to prepare students to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in relevant areas to meet demands in workplace;
  • Utilize Islamic Economics principles in relevant areas to solve problems;
  • Demonstrate effective organizational communication skills and be socially and ethically responsible; and
  • Inspire lifelong learning and encourage innovation and creativity in career development.
  • Possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in Islamic economics;
  • Have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by applying the knowledge, principles and skills in Islamic economics; and
  • Be competent in applying appropriate methodologies, models and techniques that provide a basis for analysis, implementation, evaluation, maintenance and documentation of large scale Islamic economics.
  • Be knowledgeable in applying sharia principles in finance, banking and Takaful operations;
  • differentiate between conventional and Islamic finance, banking and Takaful theories and principles and to provide critical thinking;
  • Distinguish between conventional management and Islamic management
  • Explain the basic structure of Islamic financial system from the Islamic accounting perspective and to compare this with the present modern Islamic financial system; and
  • Actively participate in resolving economic challenges facing the domestic private and public sectors through the provision of consultancy, research, and applied studies
  • Produce qualified economics and Islamic banking cadres with proven knowledge and skills to a level consistent with the global labor market need
  • Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic knowledge and skills in their area of concentration;
  • Utilize muamalat principles and concepts to solve basic problems related to the area of concentration;
  • Perform a range of support tasks such as applying simple finance and management tools;
  • Execute transactions or practices as described in muamalat books and manuals;
  • Apply the skills and principles of lifelong learning in their academic and career development;
  • Communicate effectively with peers, clients, superiors and society at large;
  • Demonstrate teamwork, interpersonal and social skills; and
  • Demonstrate technical, social and ethical considerations in accordance with shariah ethical and legal principles.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of essential principles, concepts, norms, and theories relating to muamalat;
  • Apply theoretical aspects of Islamic economics and conventional economics;
  • Solve basic economic problems with the application of Islamic economics;
  •  Identify Islamic economic and conventional economics tools; and
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the overall concept and principles of finance and Islamic finance;
  • Analyze case-studies relating to current issues and challenges of national and international financial markets ; and
  • Apply essential knowledge and appropriate critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • demonstrate an overall understanding of Islamic management in relation to conventional management;
  • Apply theoretical principles of Islamic management in relevant areas
  • Explain the basic structure of the Islamic financial system based on Islamic history and compare it with the modern Islamic financial system; and
  • Illustrate an understanding of Islamic accounting concepts and methods in accounting for sharia-based transactions.
  • Understand the difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking system
  • Degrees Offered

The program offers degree in Islamic Economics and Banking thereby allowing students to gain their degree in Islamic Economics and Banking as follows:

  1. Bachelor of Islamic Economics and Banking
  • Duration and Structure of Program

The program is a 3 year program. It requires at least 136 credit hours distributed as follows:

  • University Requirements: 28 credit hours.
  • Faculty Core Requirements: 20 credit hours
  • Compulsory Requirements from the department 85 credit hours
  • Department Electives: 3 credit hours.

7.     Education System

BIU follows the semester credit hours system and the normal duration of study at BIU is three years, divided into nine semesters, two normal semesters, each lasting for sixteen-weeks; and a short semester, that is comprised of eight weeks. The contact hours of short semester is doubled and periods of time reserved for final examinations is not considered part of the duration of the semester

  • Language of Instruction

The courses of the program shall be taught in English. The university provides six contact hours for freshman English (1) and freshman English (2)

  • Teaching and Learning Methods: 

Teaching students the material of each course should be according to the best-known educational techniques. Examples of teaching methods include, but should not be limited to, the following: (as they apply to each course)

  • Classroom Lectures.
  • Practical work
  • Group discussion
  • Individual presentation
  • Experiential learning and field work
  • Team Projects
  • Seminars/ Workshops/Conferences
  • Guest speakers
  • Brain storming
  • Role play
  • Case study
  1. Examinations and Assessment:

The method of students’ evaluation during their study will be according to the rules and regulations set by the Beder International University. This should include quizzes, mid-term exams, Assignments, research projects, practical exams, and reports, in addition to the final written exam.

  1. Entry Requirements:          

The general academic requirements for admission into University are as follows:

  1. Somaliland Secondary School Certificate or  any other secondary school certificate approved by the Ministry of Education
  2. Pass an entrance examination

The University considers mature applicants who have an equivalent Secondary School Certificate and satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Have records of continuous employment for a minimum of 5 years, with work relating to the field of training to which you seek admission
  2. Pass University entrance examinations
  3. Pass interview by the selection committee of the University
  4. The age of  the applicant is not less than 30 years old
  1. Graduation requirement

BIU will award a degree program to students who complete the following requirements:

  1. He/she passes all the courses required for graduation in the study plan
  2. He/she passes with minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
  3. He/she spends the minimum time period stipulated for the award of the bachelor’s degree and not exceeding the maximum.
  4. Approval by the University Senate
  1. Minimum qualifications of the academic staff

In order to qualify as a teacher for this programme, the candidate should have at least the following qualifications:

  • A master’s Degree in the related field
  • Minimum of two years of relevant experience or professional certification

Course Structure

Semester One

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG 112English  16
ACC113Financial Accounting 13
MGT114Principles of Management3
ARB115Arabic 13

Semester Two

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG122English   26
ACC2123Financial Accounting 23
COMP124Computer Application3
ECON125Principles of Microeconomics3

Semester Three

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ARB131Arabic 23
ISL132Islamic Studies 13
SOM133Somali Literature3
MKT134Principle of  Marketing3

Semester Four

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISL211Islamic Studies 23
FIN212Financial Management 13
STAT213Statistics for Economics & Business3
ISL214Introduction to Banking3
ECON215Principle of Macroeconomics3
ISF216فقه المعاملات المالية3

Semester Five

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISF221Principles of Islamic Economics3
ECON222Intermediate Microeconomics3
ISF223أصول الفقه 13
ECON224History of Economic Thought and Islam3
ECON225Money and Banking3
FIN226Introduction to Islamic Banking & Finance3

Semester Six:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ECON231Intermediate Macroeconomics4
FIN232Public Finance and Taxation3
ISF233أصول الفقه 23
ISF234الشركات في الإقتصاد الإسلامي3

Semester Seven:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISF311Islamic Banking Operation3  
ECON312Research Methods for Economics3
FIN313Financial Institutions and Markets3
PJR314Project Planning and Analysis3
ISF316Accounting & Reporting of IFIs3

Semester Eight:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ECON321Economic development3
ISF322Insurance and Takaful Management3
ISF323فقه الزكاة والضرائب3
ISF324Advanced Research Methodology3
ISF325Risk Management of Islamic Financial Institution3
ISF326Auditing and Supervision of Islamic Banks3

Semester Nine:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
FIN331 Corporate Finance3
ISF332Managing Islamic Banks3
ISF333Islamic Microfinance3
ISF334Islamic Capital Market3

Curriculum for Bachelor of Business Administration

 (BBA) 3 Year Program

  1. Introduction:

This is generally a 3-year program which is designed to produce executives and managers in both government and private sectors. The students may elect to major in Management or Human Resource Management. This program has been uniquely designed to developing a student’s intellectual ability, executive personality and managerial skills through an appropriate blending of business and general education. Besides, a rigorous academic curriculum, students will be taught to think innovatively, globally, and to go beyond perceived limitations.

The three years BBA programme is tailored made to serve the needs of the bright young persons who have completed twelve years of education and are looking for a career education in entrepreneurship, management profession or towards higher education in business administration. This programme is open to the students with diverse educational backgrounds including, humanities, science, arts and commerce. However, being a programme with challenging curricula and contents, it is accessible mainly to those students who have excellent academic record and high potential for success. Accordingly, candidates for this programme are carefully sifted and screened through a selective admission test process.

  • Strength of the B.A Program

The three years BBA degree promises the graduates higher level employability at the entry level of management profession through helping them fulfill potential for high earnings and greater personal development. The programme curricula offer to the students a rich blend of general education like English language, mathematics, Islamic studies and general management skills like oral and written communication, decision-making, leadership, teamwork, quantitative method; discipline based core courses including finance & banking, marketing, and HRM etc. and the specialization based elective courses. The programme builds in the student’s potential for future and enables them to build and maintain balance between the targets of economic success and the limitations of increasing social and environmental responsibility.

  • Programme Objectives:
  • To provide students with high-quality education at internationally approved standards, to enable them to make successful managerial decisions at required levels of managerial competencies.
  • To prepare highly skilled graduates to meet the market demand for professional managers in all business functions.
  • To enhance students’ business professional skills needed for sound decision-making process at relevant managerial positions in all types of organizations.
  • To help students to build the personal professional value system necessary to conduct business and take decisions according to high ethical standards of business conduct.
  • To produce world class managers and leaders who are competent to efficiently and effectively manage a business enterprise and can compete internationally.
  • To train the students in communication skills effectively.
  • To inculcate Entrepreneurial skills.
  • To  enable students apply sound business principles with Islamic values
  • To produce good Muslim individual who has Islamic ethics with business skills
  • To strengthen and sustain graduates’ wisdom in decision-making and propagate ethical conduct in business guided by Islamic values and principles
  • To create a perception among students that they should not only be “job-seekers” but should be “job-creators”.
  • To develop students who can appreciate the importance of sustainable and ethical practices and their role as socially responsible individuals within the local as well as global community
  • To instill in students the desire for life-long learning, so that they can keep their update with current knowledge using contemporary technology and resources.
  • To inculcate the need to be self-discipline, able to do work independently and time conscious.
  • Programme learning outcomes:

As a result of completing this program, the student should be able to:

  • Communicate effectively and professionally and demonstrate the ability to create coherent written and oral statements with the diverse audience across the cultures replicating skills to analyze and synthesize information.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate relevant information for decision-making and make usage of diagnostic thinking skills and analytical techniques to assess the information and solve problems in the environment like ours characterized by uncertainty.
  • Understand the importance of teamwork and group dynamics in achieving organizational goals and demonstrate ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Understand various leadership styles and demonstrate proven ability in exercising these styles according to the requirement of the situation.
  • Understand the dynamics of the organizational conflict and power and politics and make use of their analytical and interpersonal skills accordingly
  • Acquire awareness of global diverse perspectives and understand the theory, operations, and challenges of global business.
  • Demonstrate effectively practicing of overall functional business knowledge and ability to identify and interpret essential business concepts, principles and skills.
  • Understand computer-based information systems and able to use end-user computing tools and infrastructures to apply and interpret functional business knowledge.
  • Degrees Offered

The program offers multiple concentrations (tracks) thereby allowing students to gain their degree in any of the following:

  1. Bachelor of Business Administration – Management
  2. Bachelor of Business Administration – Human Resource Management
  • Duration and Structure of Program
  • (Management track)

The program is a 3 year program. It requires at least 135 credit hours distributed as follows:

  • University Requirements: 28 credit hours.
  • Faculty Core Requirements: 20 credit hours
  • Compulsory Requirements from the department 84 credit hours
  • Department Electives: 3 credit hours.
  • Duration and Structure of Program (HRM track)

The program is a 3 year program. It requires at least 135 credit hours distributed as follows:

  • University Requirements: 28 credit hours.
  • Faculty Core Requirements: 20 credit hours
  • Compulsory Requirements from the department 84 credit hours
  • Department Electives: 3 credit hours.

7.     Education System

BIU follows the semester credit hours system and the normal duration of study at BIU is three years, divided into nine semesters, two normal semesters, each lasting for sixteen-weeks; and a short semester, that is comprised of eight weeks. The contact hours of short semester is doubled and periods of time reserved for final examinations is not considered part of the duration of the semester.

  • Language of Instruction

The courses of the program shall be taught in English. The university provides six contact hours for freshman English (1) and freshman English (2)

  • Management Specific Learning Outcomes

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Management degree allows students to become either a generalist or a specialist. The program focuses on the competencies that they will need to generally function as a manager at various levels in many types of organizations. Whether they are seeking employment in a large company, a non-profit organization, or in an entrepreneurial endeavor, the management major provides business students with the foundation they need to be successful in any business environment.

As a result of completing this program, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and skill of leadership required to effectively and efficiently plan, organize, and control an organization for a competitive advantage
  • Demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills with direct application to business environments
  • Demonstrate capability to apply global multidisciplinary concepts in business and industry
  1. Human Resource Management Track

Human Resource Management Specific Learning Outcomes

The major in Human Resource Management is designed to develop skills in the management functions of strategic and human resource planning, compensation, recruitment, training and development, career planning, organiza­tional effectiveness, employee relations, and collective bargaining.

As a result of completing this program, students should be able to:

  • Provide expert advice in core areas of Human Resource Management.
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and effectively assess core HR policies, procedures, and processes
  • Understand and utilize the organizational skills required to develop and maintain effective recruiting, publicity and community relations programs.
  • Demonstrate the high ethical standards required within the Human Resource profession.
  • Develop and implement rewards, recognition and retention strategies, programs
  1. Teaching and Learning Methods: 

Teaching students the material of each course should be according to the best-known educational techniques. Examples of teaching methods include, but should not be limited to, the following: (as they apply to each course)

  • Classroom Lectures.
  • Practical work
  • Group discussion
  • Individual presentation
  • Experiential learning and field work
  • Team Projects
  • Seminars/ Workshops/Conferences
  • Guest speakers
  • Brain storming
  • Role play
  • Case study

12. Examinations and Assessment:

  • The method of students’ evaluation during their study will be according to the rules and regulations set by the Beder International University. This should include quizzes, mid-term exams, Assignments, research projects, practical exams, and reports, in addition to the final written exam.

13. Entry Requirements:    

The general academic requirements for admission into University are as follows:

  1. Somaliland Secondary School Certificate or  any other secondary school certificate approved by the Ministry of Education
  2. Pass an entrance examination

The University considers mature applicants who have an equivalent Secondary School Certificate and satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Have records of continuous employment for a minimum of 5 years, with work relating to the field of training to which you seek admission
  2. Pass University entrance examinations
  3. Pass interview by the selection committee of the University
  4. The age of  the applicant is not less than 30 years old

14. Graduation requirement

BIU will award a degree program to students who complete the following requirements:

  1. He/she passes all the courses required for graduation in the study plan
  2. He/she passes with minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
  3. He/she spends the minimum time period stipulated for the award of the bachelor’s degree and not exceeding the maximum.
  4. Approval by the University Senate

15. Minimum qualifications of the academic staff

In order to qualify as a teacher for this programme, the candidate should have at least the following qualifications:

  • A master’s Degree in the related field

Minimum of two years of relevant experience or professional certification.

Program Structure

Semester One

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG 112English  16
ACC113Financial Accounting 13
MGT114Principles of Management3
ARB115Arabic 13

Semester Two

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ENG122English   26
ACC2123Financial Accounting 23
COMP124Computer Application3
ECON125Principles of Microeconomics3

Semester Three

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ARB131Arabic 23
ISL132Islamic Studies 13
SOM132Somali Literature3
MKT134Principle of  Marketing3

Semester Four

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISL211Islamic Studies 23
FIN212Financial Management 13
MATH213Business Math3
MKT214Marketing Management3
ACC215Cost & Management Accounting 13
ECON126Principles of Macroeconomics3

Semester Five:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
MGT221Organizational Behaviour3
ECON222Managerial Economics3
MGT223Operations Management3
STA224Business Statistics3
FIN225Financial Management 23
MGT226HR Management3

Semester Six:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
ISF231فقه المعاملات المالية3
ECON232Money and Banking3
FIN233Introduction to Islamic Banking & Finance3
Law234Business Law3

Semester Seven:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
MGT311Research Methodology3
MGT312Entrepreneurship/ Small Business3
MGT313Operations research3
PRJ314Project Planning and Analysis3
FIN215Business Finance3
MGT316Organizational Theories, Designs, Change and Development3

Semester Eight:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
MGT321Applied Research Methodology3
INFO322Management Information System3
MGT323International Business Management3
MKT324International Marketing3
MGT325Strategic Management3
MGT326Leadership and Change Management3

Semester Nine:

Crs CodeCourse TitleCrd Hours
MGT331Data Visualization   3
MGT332Risk Management and Insurance3
MGT333Systems analysis and Design3